Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Defense Companies Host Educators for Groundbreaking Program

It's not often that a Chamber event requires security clearance. But that's exactly what is required this week, as the Chamber along with the Northeast Indiana Defense Industry Association (NIDIA) facilitate regional high school educators for what we are calling "Industry to Educators Externship."

From July 19 to 23, Raytheon, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman, and ITT Defense & Information Solutions (members of NIDIA) will host 15 math and science educators at their facilities. The educators will be taken step-by-step through each company, learning what they do, what talent they are seeking, and how they can equip and prepare students for a career in science, technology, engineering and math-related (STEM) fields.

The ultimate goal of this collaboration is to equip teachers to provide a superior classroom experience with real-world problems, provide students with a solid education in math and science, facilitate shared experiences between a variety of local educators, provide teachers with valuable industry connections for classroom speaking and career advising, and finally, to facilitate collaboration between school administrators and local leadership.

Why, you ask?

The companies of NIDIA, along with the Chamber, and the Talent Initiative who is funding stipends for the educators, are taking a major step in preventing a foreseen talent gap for our region, ultimately saving employers costly recruiting efforts, and retaining highly educated and skilled students to the community to fill important jobs and keep their buying power in the area which benefits the economy.

If you think this sounds unique - it is. If you think this sounds groundbreaking - it is. And if you think it sounds important - it is.

The public can get involved this Friday evening from 5 to 7 p.m. at Indiana Tech, when local defense leaders are gathering to answer questions for students and their parents. For more on that opportunity,
 click here.

For more pictures from yesterday's visit to Raytheon, visit our
 Facebook page. And to learn more about Industry to Educators, contact Tanya Young at (260) 413-9788.

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