Monday, July 19, 2010

Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Holding Job Fair

I know the community is excited to see the new Courtyard by Marriott Downtown quickly coming together. Our friends at the Marriott are in the process of building their staff right now, and they are holding a job fair this week, Tuesday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day at the Grand Wayne Convention Center.

Attendees can apply in person and be interviewed on the spot. Full-time, and part-time positions are available for banquet staff, restaurant servers, cooks, guest service reps, house aides and maintenance. For more information on this job fair, contact Aimee Scott at (260) 490-3629 or

P.S. All of this is in preparation for the Marriott's Grand Opening on Wednesday, September 1, when we will help them celebrate their official opening with a Ribbon Cutting ceremony!

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