By Michelle Merritt, VP Member Relations & Communications
It’s now been 6 weeks for me here at the Chamber & what a whirlwind it continues to be. At this point, my team is starting to “gel” & we’re figuring out all of the little things that make it easy to work together. We’re still feeling each other out in Membership & Communications but we’re also laughing more, questioning more, brainstorming more, & learning more about one another. I’d say we’re making progress.
Progress is a funny thing when you break it down. According to Merriam-Webster “progress” is the forward or onward movement (as to an objective or to a goal). They also refer to it as gradual betterment. So basically progress is determined by whoever is judging the outcome. Progress is subjective.
I’ve noticed that because of the subjectivity of progress often the little things make a big impact. It’s sort of like switching from real soda to diet or walking around the block each night instead of having dessert. We’re experiencing the same thing at the Chamber. We’re hearing great feedback from so many of you regarding how we’re communicating our message, how we’re impacting the bottom line for members, and how we’re making business better in Fort Wayne. While I don’t want to downplay the hard work and efforts of our internal Chamber team, the truth is that it’s a lot of little things that are adding up to big gains for us.
We’ve been looking closely at the details & have begun making changes that directly impact you, the member. It could be said we’re “dialin’ it up a notch.” We have lots of additional areas to review and ways to improve (please email me any ideas you have) but it feels great to see such positive response from the progress we’ve made so far! Once again proving we have incredible members who are cheering for our success.
These same principles apply to each of our lives personally & professionally. Whether you’re setting goals for your health like me (I’m completing my first 60 mile walk this fall) or you’re dialin’ up your customer service efforts, I encourage you to take a look at the little things that will equal progress. There’s the old cliché that you can only eat an elephant one bite at time which is so true. Take it from us, the little things equal progress & soon all of those little things will add up to big gains!
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