Friday, May 28, 2010

Staff Drops in on New Members

Earlier this week our staff had quite the adventure. We dedicated an afternoon to team-building activities, including a scavenger hunt around the city. Guess what our goal was? To meet new members. We split up into teams, took our clues and list of new members, and went and met some of the businesses that have recently joined the Chamber network.

I enjoyed the opportunity to get out with my own "feet on the street." I have the privilege of getting to know lots of member businesses as I spread the word about the great things they are doing... but it was great to see where they "live" in their job every day too. Even in our team-building efforts we want to incorporate members - as Michelle wrote earlier this week, you are the driving force behind everything we do!

On that note, if there is anything we can be doing to serve you better, please let us know! We always want to hear from you. 

P.S. Pictured here is my scavenger team with one of the members who graciously let us stop by - Kelli at the Hilton Garden  Inn at US 24 West (by the way, if you need some meeting space on the southern part of town, they have some great options!). 

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