Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Talk of the Capital

by Dan Garman, Sr. Vice President, Parkview Health

The NE Indiana Chamber delegation had a very interesting, meeting packed day in our nation's capital. It was an exciting and intense day - most of the focus is on the proposed $700 billion rescue legislation to fix our lending market and our economy. This is a very complex and serious issue - not much else is being talked about or getting any attention. The major focus of the discussion has been around how best to fix the problem, accountability for those who caused this, and trying to put measures in place to prevent it from happening again. There will be more on this issue on Thursday - expectations were that something will be passed by the weekend.

The members of the delegation had the opportunity to meet with Congressman Mark Souder today - he spent over an hour with the members discussing many issues, again with most of the focus on the rescue legislation. We also met with Congressman Burton.


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