Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More from DC...

By Chamber board member Matt Kelley, Verizon

Hello from beautiful Washington DC. It's been an eventful day. Besides walking away from my taxi this morning without paying the driver, it has been an action packed day. The NEICC team has done a fantastic job of scheduling a slate of informative speakers and legislators. Congressman Souder was very gracious to spend nearly 2 hours with a group of us and escorted us into the Capitol to watch a somewhat important was to keep the government from shutting down due to a cut off of funding. Some may say so what but with action needed to calm the credit markets, now is probably not the time to close up and go home.

The thing that strikes me most is that the reason we are getting such access to our legislators and the Capitol at such a busy time is because we represent the life blood of every hard working Hoosier...we are part of the business community that employs about 150,000 northeast Indiana workers. When businesses win, their workers win and their families prosper. It's all a part of strong communities and the American dream. So we tip our hats to Rep. Burton and Souder on Day 1 for their service to our state and the business community. And we thank our Chamber coalition for being there to bring us all together.

Oh, by the way, I payed the driver after a bellman tracked me down. But I forgot to get a receipt for my expense report. Oops!

Matt Kelley

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