Disney Institute is bringing its renowned Disney’s Approach to People Management program to the Holiday Inn Fort Wayne on September 21, 2011. Hosted by Ivy Tech Community College–Northeast, the full-day event will teach area professionals how to train, develop and retain skilled employees who understand and convey the values of their business to achieve positive economic results.
The Disney Institute learning experience is unique in the world of training. More than business theory, the program highlights proven Disney business practices that are easily adaptable to organizations in any industry. Engaging content is presented in an entertaining fashion, providing participants with tools that can literally transform their organizations.
Ivy Tech–Northeast is also partnering with Indiana’s NewsCenter, The Greater Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce and Gordon Food Service to provide this professional development opportunity to the northeast Indiana community.
Program registration is $359 if registered by August 19 (early bird registration) or $399 after August 19. This price includes all course materials, a continental breakfast and lunch. Employers sending five or more participants receive $20 off each registration. Ivy Tech alumni, students and employees will receive a $20 discount, as well.
For more information or to register, go to www.ivytech.edu/management or call Ivy Tech–Northeast’s Workforce and Economic Development office at 260-480-4118 .
Ivy Tech Community College–Northeast
3800 N. Anthony Blvd. · Fort Wayne, IN 46805 · 260-482-9171 · www.ivytech.edu
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