Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Intern and supervisor bootcamps Thursday and Friday

Our Graduate Retention staff has created two great free session for interns and those who supervise them. Please register by the end of the day Wednesday!

Supervisor Bootcamp: The Ins and Outs of Supervising an Intern
Thursday, April 28, 3-5 p.m.

Do you have a new supervisor identified to supervise your interns this summer? Or are you a seasoned supervisor who would just like new ideas for managing young people?

Either way, join us for Supervisor Bootcamp: The Ins, Outs, Whats, Whens, and Wheres of Supervising an Intern, Thursday, April 28, from 3-5 p.m. at The Chamber.

This training is free to any employer who is registered on and has an active posting for a 2011 summer intern.

Click here to register for the Supervisor Bootcamp.

Intern Bootcamp: How To Get the Most Out of Your Internship
Friday, April 29, 3-5 p.m.

Are you planning to hire interns this summer? Why not ask them to attend the Graduate Retention Programs Intern Bootcamp on Friday, April 29, at The Chamber.

Interns will be instructed on subjects including professional attire and work ethics. This valuable training will be free to any intern who is interning for a company who posted on

Click here to register for the Intern Bootcamp.

For more information, contact Graduate Retention High School Initiative Field Rep Jules Overby at (260) 424-1435, ext. 225, or

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