Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Feet on the Street: An Interview, a Phone Call, and a Cane

By Teresa Royer, Member Relations Specialist

I was recently out to the fine town of Leo, Indiana, and paid a visit to Anne Marie Labenberg of Senior Care Products – Anne Marie recently started this organization as a means to provide affordable medical supplies and services to help senior citizens stay in their home as long as possible. 

It makes sense that she would start this organization as a “branch-out,” so-to-speak, of another business she has owned and operated for more than 5 years -- Home Health Care Associates. 

Do you ever hear about something that has happened and you think to yourself, “Wow! That was meant to be”?  Anne Marie described just such a scenario to me. She was at a local drug store and saw a cane on sale for a very reasonable price. She bought it thinking it would be needed somewhere down the line at Senior Care, but the cane wasn’t your normal cane – this one had some features that maybe not just anyone would want.

It just so happened that a local news station was due to Anne Marie’s office shortly after for an interview for the afternoon news about the opening of Senior Care Products.  About one hour after the story aired on TV, her phone rang with a woman calling asking her if she had a specific cane and explained the features of the one Anne Marie had purchased that very morning!  Mind you—the cane was not featured in the story – pretty neat, huh?

Senior Care Products accepts donated gently used items folks need to assist in their medical care - everything from canes, wheelchairs, you name it – even prescription medication.  (Senior Care provides the medication to Matthew 25 and the physicians dispense them.)

I’d like to add that Senior Care helps ALL of us in the “big picture” of things, it is not just senior citizens that benefit from their service - as we all know many, many people have no health insurance or are under-insured.  These folks can also feel free to contact Senior Care Products for any supplies they may be in need of.

If you would like to learn more about Senior Care Products or would like to schedule a medical supply pick-up, feel free to contact Anne Marie Labenberg at 260-627-0719 or email her at  

If your business or organization would like to be a “pick-up” site for donated medical supplies, Anne Marie would be interested in speaking with you – I have to think there are some locations out there that it would make sense to partner with Senior Care Products.

On a final note, it is always a pleasure and a bit exciting for me to watch businesses and organizations grow and diversify which many times mean branching out into new endeavors.

Congratulations Anne Marie on your new endeavors, and thank you for this wonderful service you’re providing to the community! 

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