Friday, July 2, 2010

Drum Roll Please....

We are excited to unveil a newly enhanced portion of our Web site that we hope will be of great benefit to the Fort Wayne community! We have developed a comprehensive Community Calendar - that's right, a "one-stop-shop" for Fort Wayne events. We saw this as a need for the community, and have been working hard to put every community event we can find on this Calendar. We have everything from pickleball lessons to movies in the park to arts events and TinCaps games.

Please check it out here. You can submit a question about an event, map its location, and even sign up to receive an email reminder for an event you're interested in!

Anyone in the community can submit an event to our calendar - and please do! We don't want to miss anything that's going on in Fort Wayne. (For you Chamber members, we have an additional perk - you will receive a direct link to your event Web page). You can also submit an event by sending your information to Michelle Merritt at

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