Monday, March 1, 2010

Chamber Community Awareness Week is Underway!

The Chamber building is starting to buzz as our excitement builds. Today is the first day of Chamber Community Awareness Week. Spread the word, tell your friends, use your loudspeaker, text, Blackberry... we're open as to the form of communication. Our goal this week is to connect with the business community in an extra special way, and make sure every business understands what the Chamber can do for them.

Chamber memberships is an investment, and we are confident that no matter what type of business you are, how many employees you have, or whether you are a non-profit or for-profit, we can help you get a return on that investment.

This week our wonderful team of volunteers (Chamber members and board members) will be reaching out to those they know and encouraging them to invest in the Chamber. Why volunteers, you ask? Why not staff? Well, the Chamber is what members make of it. If you are a member, then you are the Chamber. So members are generously donating their time to share with others why they think it's a worthwhile investment.

So, jump on the bandwagon. If you or someone you know is not yet a Chamber member, we are offering special incentives if you invest by this Friday - free advertising and promotion and three months FREE membership to name a few. If you want to learn more, let's chat! Email me at or call me at (260) 424-1435 and ask for Joanna. 

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