Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Starting a Business or New Venture?

Don't miss a great series of free workshops that will be coming to you every month. "Keys for Business Start-up" will provide guidance on starting a business and self-employment. This first workshop in the series takes place February 18th from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Omni Room at the City-County Building, and will discuss:

·        Business legal structure
·        Programs available through the City
·        Business planning
·        Financial tools and cash flow
·        Banking and credit
·        Funding sources and strategies

These workshops are designed for those of you who are thinking about starting a business or have recently began a new venture and have unanswered questions. Other workshops taking place this year are: 

·        Procurement, March 18      
·        Franchising, April 15           
·        Business Expo, May 20
·        Commercial Kitchen, June 17
·        Taxes and Record Keeping, Aug. 19
·        Keys for Business Start-Up, Sept. 16
·        Importing & Exporting, Oct. 21
·        Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, Nov. 18
·        Keys for Business Start-Up, Dec. 16

All workshops except October’s importing and exporting session will be 4 to 7 p.m. in the Omni Room of the City-County Building. This series is brought to you by the City of Fort Wayne in cooperation with Women’s Enterprise, the Greater Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce, Small Business Administration, SCORE, Community Development Corp. and the Indiana Small Business Development Center. 

1 comment:

Starting A Business said...

Fascinating blog! Your depiction is attention-grabbing. Thanks for sharing your valued vision.