Friday, February 12, 2010

Feet on the Street: Go AMO!

by Aimee Scott, Member Relations Specialist

There is a lot of hustle in the parking lot of the downtown Starbucks.  I watched and listened the other morning as a gentleman crossed the lot, latte in hand.  The attendant at the drive-thru window kindly called out to him and bid him farewell by name.  That made me smile.  That was worth the extra few bucks today, I thought.

So what does that have to do with my “Feet on the Street” feature member,
AMO Office Supply, you ask?  My answer: customer service.  Sometimes, we “feel” like it’s a lost art, but it is not lost here, my friends.  Customer service in local business is what makes a community (big or small) feel like home.  Fort Wayne is not lacking when it comes to businesses who know the meaning of inviting and dependable customer service.

AMO Office Supply is without a doubt, one of the aforementioned.

I stepped in AMO Office supply in downtown
Fort Wayne a few months ago to introduce myself. The business had just jumped back on board with a Chamber membership.  Brittany Martin, account manager greeted me with a cheery and sincere welcome.  Wow--- she just made me feel like she’s glad I showed up today, I thought.

Vice President Josh Kunkle told me what he wanted and expected in his Chamber membership.  I’d like for you to know what I heard him say.  He wants to see his local Chamber supporting local business.  He wants to feel that being a member gives him added opportunity to connect with the business community.  He wants to know that the Chamber endorses the great things his company is doing.  He wants to sense a business partnership.  Sounds good to me, I thought.

Chamber members… check out the website.  It tells their story.  You will be smiling when you read the “meet the team” section.  You will learn from testimonials that their customer service is second to none.

I received a nearly immediate response when I asked for price comparisons and the particular order I was looking at saved me 20%.  You will not be disappointed.   You will receive personalized and quality service.  You will feel like you are working with people of integrity who believe in what they do.

We all know that a sense of success in our daily business endeavors is not just about feeling happy and valued.  However, I want you to know that I’ve done my homework on AMO. And I really think you should check them out.  I feel certain that you will realize satisfaction in their service and value in their product… and chances are, you may not even have to spend a “few extra bucks.”

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