Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Double Dose of Good News for FWA

The Fort Wayne International Airport made an exciting announcement yesterday. Delta Air Lines will be bringing new seasonal daily non-stop service between Fort Wayne and the Delta hub at Minneapolis/St. Paul. This will begin in April of this year. Tory Richardson, Executive Director of Airports had this to say: 
“This new service represents a huge victory for the residents of our region. In addition to providing an excellent routing option for travel to the western United States, this opens up additional one-stop destinations to the west from Fort Wayne, including destinations in the Orient.”
Wow. And as if that wasn’t enough, a new report for Indiana Airports stated that Fort Wayne Airports contribute over $370 million to the Fort Wayne/Allen County community every year. For Indiana as a whole, airports provide an economic impact of more than $5.2 billion, and employ more than 17,000 people. Richardson says: 
"Airports mean jobs in our community and economic wealth for our region. Fort Wayne International and Smith Field play a critical role in supporting existing businesses and fostering business growth that leads to economic development. Communities that are readily accessible by air transportation are at a competitive advantage in today's global marketplace."
Well said. That is why it’s so important to us to support the airport. If you have questions about what the Chamber does at FWA, contact Dave Young, VP of Air Service Development. If you would like to book a flight between Minneapolis/St. Paul and Fort Wayne, visit www.delta.com


how to ollie said...

I like your writing style. Nice blog.

The Greater Fort Wayne Chamber said...

Thanks very much! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you out.