Monday, October 26, 2009

eXcellon Technologies Recognized by U.S. Department of Defense

It wasn't long ago that eXcellon Technologies, Inc. received a letter of commendation from the United States Department of Defense. The letter was sent to eXcellon based upon the company's work with ITT Communications System's Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS).

The company was recognized for its expediency in the production and delivery of the installation cabling needed to create the Vehicular Remote Control Unit (VRCUs) for the SINCGARS. It is very rare for the United States to issue commendation letters to defense subcontractors.

eXcellon Technologies was founded in 2001 as a manufacturer of sensors for industrial applications. The company entered the defense industry when it began creating wiring and cable for sonobuoys. eXcellon then began to create accessory products for ITT's SINCGARS program, which is the most widely deployed and battle-tested combat net radio in the world. For more information on eXcellon Technologies, visit

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