Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership Launches Site Certification Initiative

The Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership has launched an aggressive site certification initiative in associate with professional site selection and economic development consulting firm, Strategic Development Group, Inc. The certification process will expand the inventory of development-ready sites in northeast Indiana, resulting in fast, efficient and risk-free development throughout the region.

Funded through a grant from the Northeast Indiana Foundation, Strategic Development Group will conduct a rigorous certification process over the next nine months to verify that key elements necessary for development such as the presence of utilities, sound environmental conditions and land control are present. The effort builds on a program spearheaded by Allen County and aligns with the "Shovel-Ready" site certification program initiated by the state of Indiana.

"The certification standards implemented through this process will create a distinct competitive advantage for Allen County and the northeast Indiana region," said Allen County Commissioner Bill Brown.

Local economic development organizations from northeast Indiana's 11-county region will have the opportunity to submit eligible properties for the certification process. Possessing these certified sites will increase the region's chances of success in attracting investment and jobs.

1 comment:

Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership said...

Thank you for publicizing this. We are looking forward to what this initiative will bring to the region!