Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In Washington Today...

Specter delivers death blow to labor union bill

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) announced today he will not vote for cloture on card-check, giving an apparent death blow to the most important congressional issue to organized labor.

Specter made the announcement in a floor speech. His opposition to cloture means Democrats can count on a maximum of 59 votes to move the bill forward, one short of the 60 required to clear Senate rules.

Winning 59 votes would require Democrat Al Franken to win his contested election with Republican Norm Coleman in Minnesota. Democrats also would have to count on holding the rest of their votes, and several centrists have raised doubts about the bill.

Specter, who is expected to face a tough primary challenge and a general-election battle in 2010, was the only Republican to vote in favor of a cloture vote on card-check in the last Congress.

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