Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chamber Academy: The tools you need to succeed in business

The first Chamber Academy session is...Chris Sanderson of Dale Carnegie Training presenting "Coaching for Performance Improvement" on Wednesday, March 25 8 a.m. - 10 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce.

To join us register online now! Cost is $39 for Members ~ $49 for Non-members.

Coaching has traditionally been employed to help a poor or struggling performer improve. It is also recognized as a solid methodology for encouraging strong performers to grow to even higher levels of productivity.

Dale Carnegie Training, recognized internationally as the leader in bringing out the best in people, has stood the toughest test in business: the test of time. Click here to learn more about Dale Carnegie Training.

What can I gain by attending Chamber Academy:
Increase your knowledge base in a variety of business topics
Expand your thinking in team management and performance
Sharpen your skills in management and strategic planning

If you are interested in presenting for the Chamber Academy, please view the guidelines and submit a proposal. Coming soon ~ details on Chamber Academy April sessions.

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