Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Best Places to Work in Indiana Announced

A record number of Hoosier companies, including several Fort Wayne Chamber members, are being honored as a “Best Place to Work in Indiana” for their strong workplace environment that values its employees.

Forty-three of the 70 companies received the same designation last year. For 23 companies that made the 2009 list, it was their first time taking part in the evaluation.

The program honors the top companies in the state, as determined through employer reports and comprehensive employee surveys. Winners were selected from two categories: small to medium-sized companies of between 25 and 249 employees, and large-sized companies consisting of 250 or more employees.

Congratulations to these Chamber members on their nominations:

Large companies:
Fort Wayne Metals Research Products Corporation Fort Wayne

Small to Medium-sized companies:
Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company Fort Wayne
Design Collaborative, Inc. Fort Wayne

The actual rankings of the top Hoosier companies will be announced at the Best Places to Work awards dinner on May 5 at the Indiana Roof Ballroom in downtown Indianapolis.

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