Monday, February 2, 2009

From the Statehouse...

By Joni Howell
Government & Community Affairs Manager

At the Statehouse Last Week...

The Chamber has been supportive of local government reform initiatives and the debate of the Kernan-Shepard recommendations. Two of these reform bills were heard in committee last week.

SB452: Kernan-Shepard Election Provisions
Position: Support
Status: Held for vote Senate Elections Committee

Moves elections of municipal officers to even numbered years. Provides that employees of a political subdivisions cannot serve as elected members of the subdivision's legislative body. Establishes use of vote centers as an option for all counties. Moves school board elections to the fall. Currently only 1 of Allen County's 4 school districts holds their school board election in the fall, the others are held during the primary.

SB348: Library Services Planning
Position: Support
Status: Passed Senate Local Government Committee (7-1)

While Allen County's library system is already consolidated, the Chamber stands in support of this planning system to enhance access to libraries and save taxpayer dollars.

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