Thursday, October 23, 2008

Broadway Corridor Project Unveiled: Businesses Invest in Renovations

Fort Wayne businesses recently unveiled the Broadway Corridor Project earlier this month at Catablu American Grille. The project is an effort by private business in conjunction with the City of Fort Wayne to make the neighborhood more attractive and increase commerce. The Broadway Corridor is a 2-mile stretch designated as an up-and-coming “destination spot” for the city. The area is already undergoing improvement from the city by way of sidewalk reconstruction that will make the north side of the corridor accessible for the disabled.

In addition to the city work, major renovations will take place on both the external façade and inside of many businesses along the Corridor, as well as construction upon some currently unused lots. Many businesses along the Corridor are making major investments into renovating their sites, including a minimum quarter-million dollar renovation to the Metro Real Estate Building. Metro Real Estate owner Brian Schaper also announced that the Design Factore, Inc. will be moving into the Metro Real Estate Building.Other changes include the incorporation of the restaurant Hartley’s, currently on Fairfield, into Chappell’s Coral Grill & Seafood Market on Broadway. Chappell’s will also be undergoing a $100,000 renovation.

The Broadway Corridor Project includes a logo for the Broadway Corridor and a Web site designed by Design Factore, Inc. The Broadway-Taylor intersection will be the hub of the Corridor. Other businesses undergoing major renovations include: the Mad Anthony Brewing Co., George’s International Grocery and George’s La Baguette International Bakery

Fort Wayne Mayor Tom Henry attended the unveiling along with his Community Development Staff, Fifth District City Councilman Tim Pape, and the City Council At-Large members. The Mayor announced his new Community Front program which will provide funds to help city businesses investing in façade renovations. The matching amount of the grant is expected to equal about $20,000 on average. Larger projects may receive additional assistance.

The leadership team of the Broadway Corridor Project includes: Tim Gouloff of Gouloff-Jordan Surveying; Chris Rongos of George’s International Grocery/Baker; Brian Schaper of Metro Real Estate; Nancy Schoenle of IntraScape; Barbara Schopmann of St. Joseph Hospital; Blaine Stuckey of Mad Anthony Brewing Co.; Gary Chappell of Chappell’s Coral Grill $ Seafood Market; Steve Shine of Shine & Hardin, LLP.

Visit the Broadway Corridor Project Web site.

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