Monday, September 29, 2008

Thoughts on DC from Joni

by Joni Howell
Manager, Gov't & Community Affairs

While the the big bailout vote takes place today, nearly 40 business and community leaders from Northeast Indiana were in our nation's capitol as the discussions unfolded last week. The Northeast Indiana Chamber Coalition hosted the 6th annual DC Fly-In last Wednesday and Thursday, and its participants had a front row seat to this historic debate.

First the trip began with an issue briefing. Attendees were given a Defense Briefing from B&D Consulting, and update from the State of Indiana's Federal Representative, and participants also heard from expert panelists in Trade and Workforce and Education.

Following these briefings, the group had office visits with Congressman Souder and Congressman Burton. Both were consumed about their vote on the upcoming bailout. While $700 Billion was was difficult for them to consider, the consequences of not passing something was even more difficult. Those who attended the office visits were asked their perspective on how the actions or inactions may affect them.

Following the long day, the group gathered for a reception and dinner at the National Association of Realtors (R) Building. Former Congressman David McIntosh was the keynote speaker for the dinner, and he gave attendees some insight on the upcoming election and how it relates to business issues.

On day two the group gathered for breakfast on Capitol Hill with Congressman Souder. As session was expected to adjourn in the next couple of days, he provided attendees with a "Session Wrap Up." There were many issues covered although the bailout, energy, and area defense issues highlighted the conversation.

Attendees then traveled across the campus to meet with Congressman Pence, who has been an outspoken opponent of the proposed bailout. The group was even able to watch him do a live interview on Fox News.

Next on the schedule of events were meetings with Indiana's two Senators. First we met with Senator Evan Bayh and a number of his staff. He too, was interested in Northeast Indiana's perspective on the unfolding events. He answered a number of questions that the group had about the still unsettled plan. The group then met with Senator Richard Lugar. He gave us some defense updates as they related to our agenda. Known for his expertise in foreign affairs, Lugar provided great insight on a number of issues and situations whose boundaries stretch far beyond those of our region, issues like Russia and Georgia, Afghanistan, Poland and others. He spent quite a bit of time with us before we had to leave Capitol Hill to head back to the hotel.

At the Pentagon we were briefed on the state of defense, troops, equipment, as well as actions in Afghanistan, Iraq and around the world. It was a busy day, before we headed back home again to Indiana.

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