Thursday, September 25, 2008

One Month in Turkey: Deadline Tomorrow

Rotarians of Rotary District 6540 (northern 1/3 of Indiana) are recruiting four outstanding young professionals or business persons to participate in a cultural and vocational exchange to Ankara, Turkey from May 9 – June 7, 2009. The Group Study Exchange is a program of the Rotary International Foundation.

Through this Rotary program, teams of young professionals exchange visits between paired areas in different countries.

The program involves a four week visit during which time team members share the personal knowledge of their own country and experience the customs, vocations and lifestyles of another country.

The purpose of the Group Study Exchange is to promote international understanding and goodwill through person to person contact. While in the receiving country, team members stay in Rotary members’ homes and have the opportunity to meet their business/professional counterparts. They also give presentations to Rotary clubs and other groups about their home country.

The Rotary International Foundation provides a round-trip air ticket and the hosting Rotarians provide meals, lodging and travel within the hosting Rotary district. Team members are expected to pay for personal and incidental expenses.

Men and women interested in applying must be employed full time for at least 2 years in a recognized business or profession and live or be employed in Rotary District 6540 (Northern Indiana). They must also complete and provide the Required Employer’s Endorsement Statement when submitting the application. Applicant must be between 25 and 40 years of age.

The Rotary Club of Fort Wayne must receive a prospective team member’s application by Friday September 26. For an application or further information, contact Rotarian Noel Knox at (260) 418-9150.

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