Monday, September 15, 2008

New Community Resource Center for Refugees Coming in Fall

Mayor Tom Henry announced today that Fort Wayne will open a new Community Resource Center for Refugees this fall. The Center will offer assistance to the several thousand new refugees who are struggling with accessing services and integrating into the Fort Wayne community.

The Resource Center will serve refugees from Burma, Somalia and other regions of the world whom the US State Department offered “shelter” in this country from dangerous political regimes around the globe.

The Resource Center will offer established community businesses, employers and individuals a place to connect with new refugees as well as provide a variety of self-sufficiency programs, English language classes, employment assistance services, healthcare navigation, assistance with issues related to public schooling for children, disease prevention education, limited preventive health care and other services needed by new refugees.

These services are aimed at an estimated one thousand refugees who are beyond their “relocation and placement services (typically 180 days)” and less than five years since their arrival in our country. Doors are expected to open in about 30 days.

For more information click here.

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