Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 2 From Our DC Bloggers: Part 1

Read on to see how Day 2 of the Chamber's DC Fly-in fared for our participants:

by Paul Phillips, Edward Jones

We just completed a very full day in DC. We started with breakfast with Congressman Souder, followed by meetings with Congressman Pence and Senators Bayh and Lugar. It was remarkable that these legislators took the time to meet with us given the unusual atmosphere due to the work to resolve the current financial situation. Each of our elected officials were genuinely interested in our input on this issue. We finished our day with a briefing at the Pentagon. We were very impressed with some 'Boots on the Ground' presentations from some of our brave soldiers who recently served in Iraq and Afghanistan. As we ride the bus to the airport for our charter flight home, we are thankful to all who worked to prepare another successful fly-in.
Paul Phillips

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