Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Capital Bloggers

The Chamber's DC Fly-in takes place tomorrow and Thursday. As Chamber members, staff and community leaders head for our nation's capital to affect change we will bring you their insights from the trip so stay tuned to the Daily Dose!

We bring you our first post from "blogger" Matt Kelley, director of public affairs, policy & communications for Verizon in Fort Wayne...

While packing everything I'll need on my trip to Washington, D.C., I also consider my goals for the trip. Not only is this my first lobbying trip to our nation's capitol, it will be the first time to meet our Senators as well as a few Representatives. It's exciting but also a great deal of responsibility to represent not only my company, Verizon Communications, but all of northeast Indiana. The business community back here in Indiana is working hard to compete, grow and some parts are just trying to survive. I want to make sure that the message heard by our legislators is that "don't do anything that will impede job retention and growth for fellow Hoosiers." So, I'll get to bed early tonight to catch an early flight and hope I won't forget something important like my shaving kit or the perfect tie. See you in D.C.

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