Monday, March 17, 2008

Angel Investor Seminar Provides Valuable Insights

Some insight from the Angel and Other Investor Seminar which took place last week at the Northeast Indiana Innovation Center…The different panels helped to clarify when a particular type of investor should be considered in business.

The Investor panel, consisting of Bix Benson, Karen Goldner and Bill Berghoff explained what their funding sources criteria would be, even so far as to explaining what they may look for in the “personality” of the entrepreneur. The unique situation of investor ownership and involvement became clearer as the seminar participants learned how the investors will use their resources to build a company to a new level. The investors return on investment will be captured once the investor exits either by selling the company or having their position bought out by new investors.

The attorney panel reminded all of the due diligence required when raising seed monies and establishing investor relationships.

The entrepreneur panel allowed interesting company growth observations from entrepreneurs Melinda Schriver, LacPro Industries, Dr. Herb Schwartz of Schwartz Biomedical, and Dave Corcoran of Trustbearer Labs. Each shared their experiences as they have moved through the various stages of business growth. The NIIC was a great backdrop as they house these three businesses. They will have support and guidance through each business development stage.

Great ideas and new business growth in key industry sectors are happening right here in Fort Wayne.

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