Thursday, April 15, 2010

Feet on the Street: The Simple Things

by Aimee Scott, Member Relations Specialist

So I met a woman at the St. Mary’s Cathedral lilac bush yesterday.  She was gathering a bundle of blooms and looked at me sheepishly.  “I couldn’t resist,” she said, appearing a bit weathered from the storms of life.  But she smiled, “I love your earrings…” then she paused, “I’ve always liked to wear the dangly kind.  Of course, I don’t really ever wear earrings anymore.”

Have you ever stopped feeding the life in your soul by neglecting the little things?

Anyone who knows me personally understands that Spring and warmer weather stir in me a rested hope that hibernates for three months a year.  The birds cheer as the scent of “fresh” entices me to spring forth with pure intentions of doing all things good and right.

The pages on the calendar turn and Spring comes again.  I write this blog because I’m guessing there are a few readers who feel the temperatures rising and take notice of the lilacs, yet still find themselves needing a jump-start, or rather some inspiration to “put the danglies” in again.

Recently, a Chamber Ambassador reached out to Cheryl Livingston, owner of The Loft (hair, skin, nails) to inquire about membership satisfaction.  In reviewing the notes from the conversation, I learned a few things that I’d like to share. Although I have personally invested in their product “rejuvenation and fresh energy” as I would like to call it, I didn’t know the story behind Cheryl’s passion, mission, and belief in a bigger purpose for her salon.

Cheryl is a two-time cancer survivor.  She has learned to appreciate and embrace the simple things in life. She believes in paying hope forward.  She believes in teaching and sharing.  She believes in the human spirit’s ability to transform another person’s experience and perspective. She hopes that the care and rejuvenation one experiences at The Loft will resonate and have a long-term life impact.  I told Cheryl about my encounter with the woman at the lilac bush and her comment about my earrings.  Cheryl recalls a moment during her battle with cancer, “A friend told me that wearing big earrings would enhance my beauty.”

Hmm… the simple things that can make such a difference in our lives.

The Loft and the staff that Cheryl values so greatly are doing good and right things in our community.  They have mentored young graduates of beauty school. They have coordinated efforts to gather used body lotions and hair products to recycle and donate to women’s shelters.  The stylists/designers even donated time on their days off to pamper wives of our military. Professional photography was provided to capture the moment for these women and the portraits were mailed to their husbands overseas. Gifts of time, gifts of hope. Gifts of “simple”.

As my visit concludes, I glance up to see 3 little mirrors adorning the textured, earth-toned walls. Each mirror has an inscription: Dream. Grow. Inspire.

Thanks, Cheryl. “I love The Loft” and I love the things great businesses are doing in Northeast Indiana. Even when it's not Spring!  

For more on Cheryl's business, visit

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